
Official DMCA Copyright Infringement Notification

Our site adheres to the protective measures outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), specifically under 17 U.S.C. §512. If you wish to report a case of copyright infringement to us, you must provide a written notice containing the essential details as outlined by the act.

  • A signature, whether written by hand or electronically provided, from someone with the authority to represent the owner of a unique right that is purportedly violated. A detailed account of the specific copyrighted material that has been allegedly infringed upon. In cases where various copyrighted pieces on a single internet location are subject to one infringement claim, a catalog representing those pieces should be provided.
  • The requester must specify the content believed to be violating copyright and targeted for removal, or whose access should be restricted, and offer enough details for the service provider to find the material. It is most efficient to include the web addresses (URLs) directly in the email to facilitate swift location of the content in question.
  • Adequate details that allow the service provider to reach out to the individual lodging the complaint, including their physical address, phone number, and, when possible, an email address where they can be contacted.
  • An assertion that the party lodging the complaint has a sincere conviction that the way in which the content is being used is not sanctioned by the copyright holder, their representative, or legal statutes.
  • An affirmation that the details provided in the complaint are correct, and that, with the risk of facing perjury charges, the individual lodging the complaint has the legal authority to represent the proprietor of the proprietary right that is claimed to be violated. It should be noted that according to Section 512(f), anyone who deliberately makes a false representation about any content or conduct being in violation of rights could be held responsible for any resulting harm. In essence, AVOID MAKING UNTRUTHFUL ACCUSATIONS!

Proceed to dispatch the notification of the violation through electronic mail to tikdownloaderuk@gmail.com