Privacy Policy

Who we are

Welcome to, your go-to for watermark-free video downloads.

  1. By accessing , you indicate your acceptance to abide by the privacy policies outlined on this page.
  2. Our website does not gather personal information that can identify you, such as your name or email address, directly from your computer while you navigate our site and request pages from our servers. Therefore, unless you choose to share this kind of information with us willingly and with full awareness, we will not be privy to your identity or any specific personal details about you.
  3. When you access a page on our website, our servers record the details sent by your browser’s HTTP request header, as well as data from JavaScript or similar technologies, which includes your IP address, the exact time you made the request, the specific page you requested, along with additional data. We gather this data to ensure the proper operation of our website and to deliver the features you encounter on our site, as our servers need this data to provide you with the website pages. We also utilize this data to gain insights into our visitors’ usage of our site and to optimize our website, its content, and features to serve you better. Nevertheless, this data is not linked with any personal information that could identify individual visitors to the site.
  4. We employ cookies from Google Analytics to comprehend and record your choices for subsequent visits. These cookies are tiny data packets transferred by a website or its service provider to your computer’s hard disk via your web browser (with your consent). This process allows the website or service provider to identify your browser and retain and recall specific details.
  5. Third-party entities including ad networks, advertising agencies, advertisers, and those specializing in audience segmentation are responsible for serving some of the ads you come across on this website. These organizations gather details about your internet behavior, tracking both your actions on this site and elsewhere, using tools like cookies and web beacons to grasp what you’re interested in. They collect this data with the goal of presenting you with adverts that align closely with your preferences. Please note that the ways in which these third parties handle your information are not governed by our website’s privacy policy.
  6. We do not exchange, barter, or hand over your personal information to any external organizations. However, this exclusion doesn’t apply to reliable third parties that help us manage our website, run our company, or provide services to you, provided these parties have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of the information. Additionally, we may disclose your information if we feel it’s necessary to adhere to legal requirements, enforce our website rules, or safeguard our or others’ interests, property, or safety. Nonetheless, we may share information about visitors that cannot be used to identify them personally with others for purposes like marketing, advertising, or other applications.
  7. From time to time, we might choose to feature or promote products or services from other companies on our website. These external sites operate under their own privacy policies, distinct from ours. As such, we are not accountable for any content or actions that take place on these linked websites. However, we do strive to maintain the credibility of our own site and are open to receiving any comments or insights regarding these third-party sites.
  8. Modifications to Our Privacy Policy. Should there be any updates to our privacy policy, we will display those alterations right here on this page.

The video downloader application was created by as an app supported by advertisements. tikdownloader offers this SERVICE for free, and it is designed to be utilized in its existing form.

This section provides information to users about how we handle personal data, including the ways in which it is gathered, utilized, and potentially shared, should you opt to take advantage of our Service.

By opting to utilize our Service, you are consenting to our gathering and utilization of your data as per the terms of this policy. We collect your Personal Information solely for the purpose of delivering and enhancing the Service. Rest assured that your information will not be used or disclosed to any third parties, except as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

To enhance your use of our Service, we might ask you to supply specific information that can identify you personally. We will keep this data and utilize it in accordance with the guidelines laid out in our privacy policy.

The application utilizes services from external providers that have the capability to gather data which could be employed to recognize your identity.

Here is a paraphrased version of your requested text: Access the privacy policy for external service providers that the application utilizes.

Log Data

Whenever there is an error within our app, we gather data and information on your mobile device through external products known as Log Data. This data can comprise details like the IP address of your device, device type, operating system version, app settings during your use, and specific time and date of usage, along with other statistical information.


This Service itself does not actively employ “cookies.” However, the application might incorporate code and libraries from external providers that do utilize “cookies” to gather data and enhance their offerings. You are afforded the choice to accept or decline these cookies, and you will be notified when a cookie is dispatched to your device. Should you opt to reject our cookies, be aware that you might not have access to all features of this Service.

Service Providers

We might engage external businesses and people for these reasons:

  • To facilitate our Service;
  • To provide the Service on our behalf;
  • To perform Service-related services; or
  • To help us understand the usage patterns of our Service.

We wish to notify users that third-party entities have the ability to access your private information. This access is granted so they can execute duties we have delegated to them. Nonetheless, they are bound by a duty of confidentiality and are prohibited from sharing or utilizing your information for any purposes other than the ones specified.


Your confidence in entrusting us with your personal data is highly appreciated, and we are dedicated to employing appropriate commercial measures to safeguard it. However, it’s important to acknowledge that no form of data transmission via the internet or electronic data storage technique can ever be entirely secure, hence we are unable to assure complete protection.

Links to Other Sites

Our service includes links that lead to other websites. When you select a link that belongs to a third party, you’ll be taken to their website. It’s important to realize that we do not run these external websites. Consequently, we urge you to carefully read the Privacy Policies of these external sites. Please be aware that we do not have any influence over and are not liable for the content, privacy policies, or methods used by any third-party websites or services.

Children’s Privacy

Our services are not intended for individuals younger than 13 years old. We do not intentionally gather personal information from children below the age of 13. If it comes to our attention that we have collected personal information from a child under 13, we promptly remove such information from our systems. If you, as a parent or guardian, know that your child has supplied us with their personal details, please get in touch with us so we can take appropriate measures.

Content integrated from external websites

Content on this website may feature integrated items such as videos, pictures, and written pieces. This integrated material operates identically to if a user directly accessed the originating website.

These sites could gather information about you, employ cookie technology, incorporate tracking mechanisms from external parties, and observe how you engage with the integrated material. This includes keeping tabs on your interactions with the content if you possess an account and are signed in to the site.


When visitors post comments on the website, we gather the information displayed in the comment form, as well as the IP address and browser user agent string of the commenter, which assists in identifying and preventing spam.

A scrambled version of your email address, known as a hash, can be supplied to the Gravatar service to check whether you’re registered with them. You can review the privacy policy for the Gravatar service at the following link: Once your comment has been authorized, your profile photo will be displayed to everyone in relation to your comment.

Retention Period for Your Data

When you post a comment, both the comment and associated details are kept permanently. This allows us to automatically identify and approve subsequent comments without the need to manually filter them for approval.

When individuals sign up on our site, we keep the personal data they submit in their profile. Registered users have the ability to view, modify, or remove their personal details whenever they choose, although they are not permitted to alter their username. Additionally, site administrators have access to this